Express Yourself: Being Authentic In An Unreal World

In this world of social media overload,  PR spin and so-called reality TV,  it can be hard to determine the real from the unreal, the authentic from the inauthentic. Just who do we believe? Well, we can only start with ourselves.

Authenticity and how we express it – comes from truly knowing who we are. And that can only result from some self- and soul-searching!

Who we are is largely influenced by our upbringing and our relationships with friends, peers and partners. We often communicate and behave in ways that society expects us to – or at least in ways we think are expected of us. As we become adults, experience the world and create our lives, who we are as a result of all these factors might no longer represent, or resonate with, who we are at the core of our being.

Strip away the trappings of your life: the job, the income, the possessions, the social status… and ask yourself, “who am I?”

Does the answer come freely? How do you feel when you ask that question?

Reaching the answer may require a little digging, a lot of reflection, journalling – and meditation. But it’s an ultimately liberating process!

We all know how it feels to be inauthentic, to do things that don’t resonate with our values, skills, interests or personality. We feel stuck, constricted, detached and drained of energy. Our voice falters when we’re not speaking our truth. Things seem like much more effort.

Conversely, when we’re aligned with our authentic self we feel lighter, invigorated, passionate and in the flow of life. We communicate with ease, and from a place of power.

Each of us has a variety of personas we switch between: our work persona, our parental persona, our socialising persona. While we may communicate differently (formal at work, chatty with friends); or dress differently depending on the setting, our authentic self can still shine through.

Authenticity often involves risk: quitting that job that erodes your principles, ending that relationship that stifles you, speaking up for your beliefs, which may be unpopular among friends, family and peers.

But with risk often comes reward.

Are you being your most authentic self? Here are some questions to help you “check in” with your authenticity and how you express it:

  1. What are your values? Think of the things you stand for, the principles by which you operate in your life.
  2. What’s your purpose? Consider what you’re passionate about, what puts a fire in your belly and gets you up in the morning – or what would if you were living your ideal life.
  3. Are you comfortable being vulnerable? Being real means accepting yourself and your flaws. It means speaking from your heart even if you risk rejection.
  4. Do you speak and act your truth? Notice when your words don’t match your values, and your actions don’t reflect your purpose. How can you align these?
  5. Are you accountable? Accountability means honouring commitments and admitting to mistakes – we all make them! An authentic person has the courage to say “sorry” too.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this blog are solely those of the author and are no substitute for the services of a qualified psychologist or life coach.

Virginia Muzik headshot_176kbAs a writer, proofreader and voice-over artist, Virginia helps businesses engage their audience with compelling, authentic content. She especially loves working with health and wellness businesses, bringing her affinity for – and knowledge of – this area into helping conscious businesses find their unique voice to attract the clients they seek.

Virginia is also passionate about music, animals, travel, the arts, Pilates and alternative health. In her spare time, her two dogs and Virginia volunteer with the Delta Society, bringing pet therapy to aged care facilities. If you want to know more about her business,